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Our Beliefs

What We Believe

There is one eternal God who reveals Himself through three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This triune nature defines the complexity and unity of the divine.

God is the sovereign creator of everything that exists, encompassing all that is visible and invisible in the universe. His authority and power are evident in the wonders of creation, reflecting His nature.

God the Son, who existed alongside God the Father from the very beginning of time, chose to enter our world in the form of a human. Conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary, He was born and named Jesus the Christ, signifying His unique mission and identity.

As Jesus, God took on human flesh, living among us a life free from sin, embodying perfection in every way. His ultimate act of love was to be crucified on a cross, serving as a sacrificial offering for the sins of humanity. Miraculously, He rose from the dead on the third day—a glorious victory over sin and death. Following this miraculous event, He ascended into heaven after forty days, where He reunited with the Father and took His rightful place in glory.

After Jesus returned to heaven, the Holy Spirit descended to dwell within the hearts of every believer. The Holy Spirit's presence is transformative; He convicts individuals of their sins, guiding and comforting them while empowering Christians to lead lives that reflect God's holiness and love.

The Bible stands as the inspired Word of God, serving as the ultimate authority on matters of faith and everyday living. Through its teachings, followers learn about God’s character, intentions, and the path to salvation.

Mankind, created by God's loving hands, chose to defy Him and thus willingly sinned, resulting in spiritual separation from God. This state leaves humanity lost and hopeless without the redeeming grace found in Jesus Christ.

Salvation is a gift of God's grace, made possible through the sacrificial blood of Jesus. The Scriptures outline the process of accepting this grace: individuals must first hear and understand the gospel—the good news of Jesus Christ. Next, they must develop a genuine belief in His divine nature and the redemptive work He accomplished. A true believer will consistently confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, willingly turning away from sin and repenting. This commitment culminates in baptism, where one is immersed in water, symbolizing their new life in Christ.

The church, known as the Body and Bride of Christ, was established on the day of Pentecost and is composed of Christians across the globe. It is a community of believers united in faith and mission.

There are two ordinances that Jesus Christ established and mandated for His Church; Believers' Baptism and regular partaking of Communion.

Local congregations are to be shepherded by a plurality of evangelists and elders, who provide spiritual guidance and leadership, ensuring a nurturing environment for members to grow in their faith.

Ultimately, death marks the culmination of each individual’s earthly journey, sealing their eternal destiny. Those who have embraced salvation through Jesus will inherit eternal life, enjoying an unbroken relationship with God. Conversely, those who reject this gift face the grim reality of eternal separation from Him in hell.

Jesus Christ has promised to return one day, visibly and physically, to gather His bride—the Church—and lead her to a glorious eternity in heaven. This hopeful anticipation fuels the faith of believers as they await His triumphant return.                                                                     


Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality

We affirm our belief that God, in His divine plan, wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female. These two distinct and complementary genders, a reflection of the image and nature of God, are to be honored and upheld.

We hold the belief that marriage, as designed by God, is to be exclusively the union of one man and one woman. Intimate sexual activity is to occur solely within this sacred union.