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Thomas Inman

Elder (Treasurer)

Thomas Inman


Tom Inman serves as an elder at Happy Hill Church and specifically oversees the finance and treasury ministries of Happy Hill Church. He is the eldest of 4 children and a cowboy at heart. Tom grew up in Lebanon and has long been a Happy Hill Church member. He was saved at a revival service when he was 13 years old and has been growing and serving the Lord ever since. He and his wife, Summer, were married in 2015 and have two children, Jake and Sierra. Summer came to know the Lord as a child at her home after pondering a Sunday school lesson that she had heard about Heaven. They live on a small farm outside of Lebanon and have registered Simmental and commercial cows, horses, and working dogs. 

Tom has been an ag advisor at the Lebanon Tech Center for 12 years. He jokingly says, "Summer Jean starts them, and I finish them." Summer teaches first grade in the Lebanon school district. Tom enjoys riding horses and anything cowboy-related. He also enjoys sports and encouraging people in the Lord. His favorite place is out in nature, where he can see the beauty of God's Creation. 

Together, Tom and his family embrace the powerful teachings of 1 Corinthians 15:58: “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” We invite you to “Come and See” us at Happy Hill Church to experience fellowship with God and our family.